Endorphins, catecholamines, cortisol, and psychoneuroimmumunology. NB: It is not the case that there is a placebo-responsive personality.
Don't assume we should give placebos to all our patients, and be enthusiastic about their likely effects. Most of this book is founded on the precept that we should be honest and straightforward with our patients. Nevertheless, it may often be unwise to share too many of our doubts with our patients, as demonstrated by the GP who randomly assigned his consulting style in those with apparently minor illness to a positive encounter or a negative encounter. In the former, patients were given a diagnosis and told they would be better in a few days, the latter group were told that it was not certain what the matter was. Just over 1/3 of the patients having negative encounters got better in 2 weeks, but over 2/3 of the positive group did so.